A Message from Pr. Ellis Flores
I hope and pray that the information you find in this page will be helpful and encourage you to continue with your studies. Below you will find a list, description and PDF file of the different scholarships available to all our church members. Every scholarship has a different amount of aid. You can apply to as many as you can. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Si necesitas ayuda para bajar o obtener estas aplicaciones porfavor acerquese a mi en la iglesia para ayudarle.
Note: Please be aware that some of these scholarships have dead lines. Don't miss it! Also, please feel free to share this page with other church members.
I hope and pray that the information you find in this page will be helpful and encourage you to continue with your studies. Below you will find a list, description and PDF file of the different scholarships available to all our church members. Every scholarship has a different amount of aid. You can apply to as many as you can. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Si necesitas ayuda para bajar o obtener estas aplicaciones porfavor acerquese a mi en la iglesia para ayudarle.
Note: Please be aware that some of these scholarships have dead lines. Don't miss it! Also, please feel free to share this page with other church members.
Ebenezer Scholarship Fund (Academy & University)
From Ebenezer Leadership:
We are thrilled that each year we get to help our students and community by providing a local scholarship to as many families as possible. Each year the amount may be different. This scholarship is available for students in Adventist institutions as well as public universities. Please download and fill out the form below. Turn in your application to Pastor or Elder Alvaro Hernandez.
Click here to view and download instructions on a PDF file.
From Ebenezer Leadership:
We are thrilled that each year we get to help our students and community by providing a local scholarship to as many families as possible. Each year the amount may be different. This scholarship is available for students in Adventist institutions as well as public universities. Please download and fill out the form below. Turn in your application to Pastor or Elder Alvaro Hernandez.
Click here to view and download instructions on a PDF file.
Pacific Union Education Endowment (9-12 & University) TBA
From the SCC Office of Education:
We are super excited to announce the Pacific Union Conference Education Scholarships for 2022. The online process has been streamlined even more and the directions enhanced. Check out the online link to apply before May 15, 2022.
Online link: https://pacuniongrants.smapply.io
Click here to view and download instructions on a PDF file.
Baje las instrucciones en ESPAÑOL aquí.
From the SCC Office of Education:
We are super excited to announce the Pacific Union Conference Education Scholarships for 2022. The online process has been streamlined even more and the directions enhanced. Check out the online link to apply before May 15, 2022.
Online link: https://pacuniongrants.smapply.io
Click here to view and download instructions on a PDF file.
Baje las instrucciones en ESPAÑOL aquí.
Baybarz Education Schollarship Trust Fund (K-8) TBD
Click here to view and download PDF file.
The scholarship grants from this fund have been made possible through the generosity of Fred L. and Carolyn C. Baybarz who have left a living legacy to benefit qualified students who attend the SDA schools in the Pacific Union Conference .
View Additional Instructions: Click Here.
Please read all information provided in this form. Submit your application to the Education Department at the Southern California Conference of SDA. Click here for Conference Location.
Click here to view and download PDF file.
The scholarship grants from this fund have been made possible through the generosity of Fred L. and Carolyn C. Baybarz who have left a living legacy to benefit qualified students who attend the SDA schools in the Pacific Union Conference .
View Additional Instructions: Click Here.
Please read all information provided in this form. Submit your application to the Education Department at the Southern California Conference of SDA. Click here for Conference Location.